Concussion Management
Moving beyond resting in a dark room.
Concussion research has come a long way and we now know that treatment involves much more than just resting- that’s where I come in.
Even though you may feel “back to normal” a few days after a concussion, this doesn’t mean that your brain and your body have fully recovered from the injury. I’ll do a thorough and comprehensive assessment to determine how your brain and your body are functioning, and we will put together a plan for getting you back to play, work, and normal life safely.
Yes, treatment for concussion usually does involve a bit of rest but it can also involve manual therapy, acupuncture, visual rehabilitation, vestibular rehabilitation, and progressive exercise. Your assessment will determine where your symptoms are originating from, and what treatment options are going to be most appropriate for you.
If you are an athlete who plays a contact sport, I also highly recommend getting baseline testing done before your season begins. This includes a battery of tests that are completed when you are functioning at your best. That way, if you do sustain a concussion during your season, we have great data to compare to, to know when you are truly 100% recovered.
I treat everything from acute concussions to post-concussion syndrome, and offer baseline testing for individuals as well as complete team rosters.